

Worrying does not take away tomorrow's sorrows; it takes away today's peace.



8 (more) Truths you Need to Accept in your Early Twenties


Because our early twenties are maddening and glorious all at the same time.

This is a continuation post. To view the original post click here.

Truth Number One: Your health is your greatest asset.

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Ten Reasons Why you should tell your Mom you love her…right now.


Writing about Mother’s Day is particularly beautiful and challenging for me, because I lost my mother after a brave two year battle with cancer in 2006. I spent so much time being angry about her loss, that I almost lost sight of all the beautiful things that made her without a doubt the most inspiring, loving, and strong woman I am blessed to have raised me. This post is dedicated to her, with all of my love.

Continue reading “Ten Reasons Why you should tell your Mom you love her…right now.”

15 Secrets of College Girls Everywhere

Sorry ladies, the secrets are out.

1) This is how we feel when we’re going to bed after a REALLY good date. cutegif

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8 Truths you Need to Accept in your Early Twenties


Our early 20s are a rollercoaster of emotions, laughter, tears, on-and-off again relationships, friends both lost and found, and crazy deadlines. However, in this exciting and frustrating time we can learn one important thing: We’re exactly where we are supposed to be.

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15 Things to Do in 2015


The New Year is now upon us, meaning it is a time to instill positive changes with revived motivation. However, in order to make 2015 your best year yet, you need to create the positive changes yourself. Here’s a list of non-negotiable things to do in 2015 in order to make this year, the best year:

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12 Gifts you need to Give Yourself this Holiday Season

With the holidays coming up and the “12 days of Christmas” right around the corner, it can be a hectic time for anyone. However, through all the busy shopping excursions and Seasons Greetings card sending it is important to take step back and give yourself some much needed gifts as well. Here at the 12 gifts you need to give yourself this season:

1) The Gift of Peace.

With cheer in the air and a New Year beginning soon, now is the perfect time to take a look back at the year, and grant yourself peace for any (and all) of the worries, fears, and anxieties that have been buzzing around in your mind. Take a deep breath, and invite peace into your heart. This is not always easy, but it is always necessary.


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An Open Letter to Those who were Left


Dear Those Who Were Left,

Pause. Take  a breath. I can’t tell you that this feeling will go away quickly, but I can tell you something else that is much more valuable…

The person who has left you has given you a great gift.

Continue reading “An Open Letter to Those who were Left”

5 Small Steps that Lead to Big Success

Having assignment after assignment can be extremely intimidating at first, but with the help of some useful strategies it’s easy to prioritize and strategize in order to get work done and achieve your goals.

This is for you, college students. Rock those finals. Here are some tips to get you started:

1) Make daily to-do lists…but cross off the little stuff early on.

Continue reading “5 Small Steps that Lead to Big Success”

You are 2 words away from a more productive day.

As a college student, I know a thing or two about procrastination. I know how it feels to have overwhelming assignment lists, full calendars, and motivation that is lacking to zero. However, once we take the pressure off ourselves to achieve accomplishment after accomplishment we can rid ourselves of the anxiety that closely follows procrastination. Here is how, in just two simple words:

“No biggie.”

Continue reading “You are 2 words away from a more productive day.”

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