

Worrying does not take away tomorrow's sorrows; it takes away today's peace.



7 Habits of the Insanely Productive


8 Signs He Could Be Mr. Right

Even through heartbreak and loss, we discover the strength to realize that sometimes it takes a few tries with “Mr. Wrong” to find (and keep) Mr. Right.

Source: 8 Signs He Could Be Mr. Right

7 Valuable Tips for the Young Professional


This semester, I embarked on the wonderful and yet incredibly intimidating journey that is student teaching. Spending just eight weeks within a third grade classroom and then another eight weeks in a sixth grade learning support classroom taught me more than just how to teach others, but how to touch the lives of others. Here are just some helpful tidbits I have learned along the way that can be applied to whatever profession you are beginning.

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8 (more) Truths you Need to Accept in your Early Twenties


Because our early twenties are maddening and glorious all at the same time.

This is a continuation post. To view the original post click here.

Truth Number One: Your health is your greatest asset.

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Ten Reasons Why you should tell your Mom you love her…right now.


Writing about Mother’s Day is particularly beautiful and challenging for me, because I lost my mother after a brave two year battle with cancer in 2006. I spent so much time being angry about her loss, that I almost lost sight of all the beautiful things that made her without a doubt the most inspiring, loving, and strong woman I am blessed to have raised me. This post is dedicated to her, with all of my love.

Continue reading “Ten Reasons Why you should tell your Mom you love her…right now.”

Why Britt was my Favorite Bachelor Contestant


We’ve all heard the buzz about Britt Nilsson. the beautiful and charming bachelor contestant who is now co-bachelorette with other crowd favorite, Kaitlyn Bristowe. However, towards the end of her time on The Bachelor Britt received some not-so-good that had not-so-good effects on her reputation. People have been accusing her of being fake, but in all honesty, she was the realist contestant on the show in so many ways. Here’s my personal breakdown:

1) It is absolutely normal, and healthy, to analyze relationships critically at first.

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15 Secrets of College Girls Everywhere

Sorry ladies, the secrets are out.

1) This is how we feel when we’re going to bed after a REALLY good date. cutegif

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10 Small Actions that Make a Big Difference


Everyday we make decisions that directly have impacts on the people surrounding us. With this being said, we have the power within ourselves to make those impacts positive or negative. The beauty of making positive impacts on others is that it helps you make a positive impact on the way you feel about yourself as well. So here is my challenge to you: Complete these small actions on a regular basis, and see if they don’t help you see the world as a more positive place.

Continue reading “10 Small Actions that Make a Big Difference”

5 Life Lessons We Learn from our First Love


As they say “The first cut is the deepest.” However, even if your first love had a shaky ending, there are also so many beautiful life lessons that can be taken from this experience in order to help you form better relationships with others in the future.

Continue reading “5 Life Lessons We Learn from our First Love”

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